Jun 30, 2020, 1:20 PM

Al-Nujaba spox in interview with MNA:

Attack on IPMF’s base act of propaganda

Attack on IPMF’s base act of propaganda

TEHRAN, Jun. 30 (MNA) – Saying that the attack against the 13 guards in the base no. 45 of the IPMF was carried out using 20 armored vehicles, Al-Shimmari pointed out, “In military terms, what happened in Baghdad can’t be called a military attack.”

Iraqi anti-terrorism unit, at Thursday night, in an attempt arranged in cooperation with the US embassy, attacked the base of the brigade no. 45 of the IPFM (belonging to Kataib Hizbollah fighters), and arrested a number of the Resistance forces. Following the fury of the Iraqi society and the negative responses of the Iraqi political-security circles, the said forces were released on Monday, reported al-Nujaba’s Centre for Communications and Media Affairs in Iran.

In this regard, the spokesman of al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance, in an extensive interview with Mehr News Agency, described the Thursday attack as lacking the characteristics of a military attack and said, “It was an operation against the IPMF logistic back-up base that only included 13 military forces acting as guards."

Saying that the mentioned operation was carried out using 20 armoured vehicles, engineer Nasr al-Shimmari reiterated, “Our assessment of this act shows a big mistake that could lead to the confrontation between security forces, and the repeat of such mistake can push the country towards an unknown destiny.”

In another part of this interview, he, pointing to the strategic negotiations between the US and Iraq, stated, “Indeed, it is a play for legitimizing the presence of the occupying American forces. This is also an attempt for circumvention of the Iraqi parliament’s enactment on the expulsion of all foreign forces from Iraq and putting an end to the international coalition formed under the pretext of the fight against the ISIS.”

The deputy secretary-general of al-Nujaba, mentioning that “This futile act of media propaganda and the voices bought by the US never demonstrate the want and will of the Iraqi public thought,” said that the exit of occupiers is inevitable and further mentioned, “The big and evident contradiction hereis that some people claim Iraq needs the supports of the US. Yet it raises a question that when the American occupiers are unable to defend themselves, how can they maintain the Iraqi security?!”

The full text of the interview is as follows:

As you know, the Iraqi anti-terrorism forces of Iraq have recently attacked one of IMPF’s bases; an attack the Americans were informed of. What is your assessment in this regard and why was such a decision made?

Initially, it should be emphasized that what happened on Friday in Baghdad can’t be called a military attack. Yet, it was solely an operation against a logistic back-up base of the IPMF in which 13 military forces were present who acted as guards. On the other hand, this operation was carried out using a big number of forces including 20 armoured forces and finally, all the forces in the base were arrested. 

But our assessment of this act reveals another big mistake that was possible to lead to a confrontation between security forces in a critical time when the Coronavirus pandemic is being expanded and onceTurkish forces have violated Iraqi sovereignty and occupied some parts of Iraq. The collapse of the economic status should also be added to the said two issues, that are in line with the want of the American forces who are both occupiers and illegitimate due to the enactment of the parliament. 

The big and evident contradiction here is that some people claim Iraq needs the supports of the US, however, the occupiers ask the Iraqi forces to protect them against the attacks of the Resistance. A question raises here and it is that when the American occupiers are unable to defend themselves, how can they maintain the Iraqi security?!

In sum, it should be stressed that a big mistake was committed against the IPMF that has returned dignity and sovereignty to Iraq with a caravan of martyrs and with presenting much blood. Such mistakes can push the country towards an unknown destiny.

The bases of Kataib Hizbollah are continuously struck by Americans. Why do Americans are worried about the settlement of the Resistance forces in the Syrian-Iraqi borders located in al-Anbar governorate?

From the American perspective, the IPMF and Iraqi Islamic Resistance groups are a part of the Resistance Axis and are increasingly expanding. Thereby, Americans have become focused on the Iraqi-Syrian borders and the expansion of their military bases in these areas. Nonetheless, this approach is raised from their stupidity; as even Saddam Regime failed to fully control Iraqi-Syrian borders despite his high level of dominance, and thus, Americans never manage to achieve this target. 

But, the reason for Kataib Hizbollah being attacked more than other groups is that this group controls a vast operational region in the bordering areas; a fact that worries and enrages American occupiers. However, it shouldn’t be forgotten that Kataib Hizbollah is one of the principal groups having fought the American forces both prior to Iraq’s occupation in 2011 and following their return under the pretext of the fight against the ISIS in 2014. Besides, Kataib is a group that has had a fixed and firm position negating the occupiers, and it avoids the involvement in the Iraqi political process until Americans intervene in this procedure.

However, today, and in dealing with the attack against Kataib Hizbollah, we all regard ourselves the soldiers of this resistant, mujahid and scarifying group, furthermore, we will stand by it until all the American occupying forces are expelled from Iraq.

It seems that the US is attempting to obtain its desired results in the strategic negotiations with Iraq via debilitation of the IPMF, and take positive points through this method. However, this can lead to big sedition in Iraq that debilitates the Iraqi security forces, and Iraqi anti-terrorism forces will also sustain the main damages. In your opinion, what is the chief purpose of the US?

The strategic talks between the US and Iraq is a play for legitimizing the presence of the occupying American forces. This is also an attempt for circumvention of the Iraqi parliament’s enactment on the expulsion of all foreign forces from Iraq and putting an end to the international coalition formed under the pretext of the fight against the ISIS, but such attempts are nothing against the law passed by the parliament of Iraq, and according to the article no. “61-4” of the Iraqi Constitution, such agreements reached upon in these negotiations should necessarily be confirmed and passed by the Iraqi parliament. 

And some crises are created intentionally and upon the request of the Americans so that they can intervene in Iraqi affairs and legitimize their presence in Iraq exploiting such internal situations. 

Confrontation with the IPMf by any faction bears it some heavy consequences; as the IPMF has a high position among Iraqi people; in addition, it has gotten ideologic and popular place in Iraq due to its history that is replete with martyrdom and sacrifices.

Therefore, the Resistance will be continued against the Americans in any conditions, and the US will have to leave Iraq. This is a fulfillable and realistic goal for us.

Together with some internal mercenaries in Iraq, the US attempts to push the exit of the American forces from Iraq to the margins (what is passed and confirmed by the Parliament). This issue has also been manifested via the neglect of the part of the IPMF in the fight against terrorism. How do you see this issue?

The case of the presence of the American forces in Iraq will be neither forgotten nor closed unless they fully retreat from all Iraqi lands. This futile act of media propaganda and the voices bought by the US never demonstrate the want and will of the Iraqi public thought.

Iraqis are a Muslim nation with a history replete with dignity and respect, and they host no occupier under any pretext. The experience of 2003 to 2011 has no difference with the current presence of the American occupiers in Iraq, and the Resistance that managed to push a thousand time more forces out of Iraq can certainly do this again.

Sheikh Akram al-Kaabi, the secretary-general of al-Nujaba, in response to the arrest of the IPMF by the anti-terrorism forces, addressing those behind this act, said, “You revealed your orientation, and thus, you had better have no illusion.” In your eye, who is the target of these statements, what countries or people?

The principal target of these statements is the embassy of the American occupiers and the circle close to the prime minister, the media circle that can do nothing but executing some media plans, and the one that pays no attention to the sanitary, security and economic crises that the country is entangled with.


News ID 160367


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